Friday, February 5, 2010

With all the squirels in the world, why don't you see squirel poop all over the street?

Squirrels spend very little time in the street, thus you don't find their poop there very often. If your are REALLY curious about squirrel poop try looking around the base of large trees in your area like oaks, maples and even pines.

A recent study by a university found that ';urban'; squirrels actually look both ways before crossing the street. Rather interesting!

The name squirrel comes from the Greek -- it means, ';he who sits in the shadow of his tail.';With all the squirels in the world, why don't you see squirel poop all over the street?
because like cats they bury itWith all the squirels in the world, why don't you see squirel poop all over the street?
Squirrels don't spend time on the roads. They run across so they don't get run over. So they don't have time to poop on the road because there always up trees or in the grass and not in parking lots or on roads.
You do, but you don't recognize it.

Squirrels don't leave large droppings, and they don't smell as strongly as larger animals leavings. Unless you know what you're looking for, a typical squirel poop would just look like a small wad of dirt or plant matter.
Look at the bottom of your shoe...
A lot of the answers are correct, squirrel poop just looks like dark sand or grains of dirt. The other part of the answer is RAIN. Scat that small washes away easily, especially on asphalt.
I am sure that squirrels do it in the trees. I guess that's why Rocky flew around all of the time.
Because they don't poop in the streets. Birds do that though. Don't park your car under a tree!
because they stay in grassy areas?
Interesting. Maybe they have a special place to do it. Maybe they are particularly cleanly and bury it instead of just dumping it. Or maybe there is squirrel poop there. but you just don't see it. It might be soft and runny rather than firm, and run right into the grass within a short space of time. Or maybe some of those acorns you see lying around are really....
Wow I have never thought about that.. interesting.. and funny

Squirrels must be very tidy.
awesome question..but Ive got the answer. They dont poop just anywhere, they usually poop while in the tree and it is so small that you never see it.
Squirel lives in forest woody areas typically areas with a-corn thats where their most found. They dont just poop and appear on streets if thats what your asking for,likewise, you dont see squirel pooh's everywhere in the woods , besides how could i tell a squirels poop form a dogs poop if i stepped on it? Probably the size right, so there its hard to see squirels poop even if they were scattered over the streets!
squirrel poop is about the ssame size as a large mouse otr rat and he poops mostly in grassy and treed area so if you're not looking for it you will not notice it.
if your poop was as big n as hard as an acorn would you want to drop it from a tree.

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