Friday, February 5, 2010

Are Squirels Pests?

I am fed up with squirels destroying all my bird feeders, I have recently purchased metal ones, but they chewed all the plastic covers %26amp; perches from the seed entrences. I feed the squrrels nuts but they bury most of them and start destroying new plants.

I can tolerate them, but they are a nuicense.

I live close to a wood and in some years I get overrun with the critters, so I have resoted to a cull.Are Squirels Pests?
They are only pest if you don't have a recipe for them.


Skin and clean the squirrel, carefully washing it off after tht process.

Cut it into pieces, its little legs, pop its head off, and cut the back across at the middle.

You can either dip them in egg and flour them, or just flour then.

Brown the little buggers

After browning, add one can of cream of chicken soup, about 1/4 cup of water, and simmer for about 45 minutes.

Make up some rice or mashed potatoes, whatever veggie you want, and chow down.Are Squirels Pests?
easer to make into a stew out of them in the crock pot

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A pest is any animal, weed, disease that interferes with your gardening or landscape efforts. Yes, mammals such as squirrels are indeed a pest. They are a home pest when they get inside causing untold damage.

Now how smart are you for inviting these creatures into your yard and then calling them pests?
The squirrels are after the bird seed but you can easily keep them from eating it, buy the bird seed that has been treated with hot pepper. The birds do not taste the pepper, it will not hurt them, but the squirrels hate it and will quickly leave your feeders alone.
I had squirrels on my feeder too. Then I greased the pole which stopped them till they figured how to jump from a nearby tree. Now I add hot pepper to the feeder (buy it in bulk at a warehouse club store) and they dont much care for the feed. the birds apparently do not care how hot the seed is.
yes and they eat wiring in walls attices and even cars we cut back ftrees so jumping would be making them silly in the head[saw that one] they even put a hurting on our chickens food [now a controled product] have a hearts catch them then what I took them to school to eat out of the dumpster,have a pitcher of 3 waiting on top of my van to go home, its a no win story don,t feed just like it says at state parks
Are your feeders standing on poles? If so, wrap the pole with metal for at least 1 foot. It will keep them from being able to climb up.

If they are hanging, use wire. They won't be able to grip, and will fall off.

Make sure the feeders are away from any overhanging trees, as squirrels can and will jump a considerable distance.

There are a number of good squirrel recipes out there. Good hunting
I use fresh jalapenos that I grow to keep them off my vegetable plants and berries. I just break a couple open and shake it around the area. They don鈥檛 need to get much on their paws to get the message. I leave the broken pieces around. They stay away.

But they do get fed at the feeders and I grow several seed plants for wildlife. So my rule is just to keep them off the plants that I want to eat myself.

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