Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What are some good things to use to repell ground squirels, bunnies, bugs and deer in my flower beds?

A .30-06 works pretty good.What are some good things to use to repell ground squirels, bunnies, bugs and deer in my flower beds?
okay, for the little rodents---usually a healthy dose of cayenne pepper around the perimeter will do it and not affect anything. Also, you can bury a semi smushed bulb of garlic next to your roses and keep it pest free.

For the deer, it's gross, but it works (trust me, i live in maine, i have deer TRAILS through my front yard)---Get your boyfriend or husband or someone to urinate around the garden. Deer and other critters will naturally avoid human

urine. It wont make your flowers smell like pee so dont worry--and, a little goes a long way, its not like he's gotta head outside everytime he needs to go, maybe once a week or so. Good luck!!!What are some good things to use to repell ground squirels, bunnies, bugs and deer in my flower beds?
12ga shot gun or call your local zoo about tiger pee it will scare away animals.
use moth balls or some human hair from your local beauty shoppe works for me
Naw, those things will kill and you wanted to repel. A BB gun works great but only the spring propelled one. Don't use an air BB gun.
If you wanna go organic plant flowering tobacco it is poisonous and therefore a repellant for ants plant cucumbers
spread cayenne pepper on the ground. Mix some with vasaline and spread ti on the foliage. It will burn their noses and mouths.

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